Search in our database of 2,446,394 Greyhound-Pedigrees.

Please enter the dog's name or at least one word of it.

Dog's name
  Gender    Color
Birth Year    Land

  • You can search for dogs using the complete name of the dog.
    Example: Searching for Newdown Heather will show his pedigree.
  • You can search for all dogs beginning with a certain string.
    Example: If you enter Newdown *, then all dogs with a name beginning with 'Newdown' will be shown.
  • You can search for all dogs which name ends with a certain string.
    Example: If you enter * Heather, then all dogs with a name ending on 'Heather' will be shown.
  • You can order the search result by clicking on the column description in the headline.
  • On the pedigree page you will find the littermates, and the races of a dog.
    The pedigree is shown for five generations and inbreeding is marked in red.
    By clicking on the offspring or the parents, you can move quickly through the generations.